Our Girls!

Our Girls!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Autumn days

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the awesome weather like we have been getting. On Sunday the temperatures were prefect and we spent most of the day outside. I decided to rake some of the leaves up in the front yard and of course I had a little helper.

Chris decided it would be a good day to work on the Christmas lights. He put them up but we won't be turning them on until after Thanksgiving!

If you can't tell, someone isn't to fond of heights but he got the job done!


Caitlyn loved the thought of going trick or treating, especially the candy part of it! She had two different costumes to pick from and for Beggar's Night she went with the Poodle. It was a perfect night for going out. Chris took Caitlyn around the block and she came home with a bucket full of candy, thank goodness she didn't want to go to more houses in the neighborhood!

Of course we had to get pictures with Grace and Faith!

Caitlyn loves her blow up pumpkins! Every night when they were out, she had to say goodnight to them before heading to bed. It was pretty cute!

Caitlyn with Lexie and Stacia (two of her favorite babysitters) on the afternoon of the neighborhood parade.

As you can see from the video, Caitlyn had a blast in the parade and Chris said she ran almost the entire route. At one point, she even tried to pass the cop car that was leading the group. Maybe we have another runner on our hands!