Our Girls!

Our Girls!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fun at Pat & Jeff's

This weekend we were in Woodbury to see Bridgit's cousins Jeff, Pat, Ryan, and Lauren Mathis. We got quite a bit of kid's stuff for Caitlyn, due to thier annual citywide thrift-sale. Chris got a dragon, with pictures of it to appear later. Caitlyn had fun with Lauren, and Ryan. Bridgit had fun with Pat, and Michelle who happened to be thier too. Maybe a little to much fun!

1 comment:

JMGardow said...

I did steal the pictures - my discriptions are up for sharing if you would like to shamlessly steal - I wouldn't mind - makes the night so much more fun than Chris wrote..... he went to be too early that night how would he know all the fun we had.... LOL LOL